A journal & some non-philosophical thoughts of a simply imperfect human..

My Brain Pattern *Intermezzo* & parno sakit mata!

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Iseng2 ajah.. liat di Blognya Lea (bukan Lea Simanjuntak lo..hehe), pengen juga sekali-sekali intermezzo posting yang beginian.. Kali ini tentang pola otak saya.. hehe. Mengejutkan juga sih hasilnya. Hmm.. apa iya?
Your Brain's Pattern

Structured and organized, you have a knack for thinking clearly.
You are very logical - and you don't let your thoughts get polluted with emotions.
And while your thoughts are pretty serious, they're anything from boring.
It's minds like yours that have built the great cities of the world!
What Pattern Is Your Brain?

Oya?? wow, I'm flattered.. hihi.

Sakit matakah saya?
Hari ini mata saya rasanya pegeell banget. Berasa 'aneh' sih dari hari lalu. Haduh, paranoid sakit mata ni.
Pasalnya kemarin, ada orang sakit mata minjem korek api sama saya. Padahal korek gas itu udah sampai saya cuci segala.. masa kena juga sih? Dikantor yang dulu, saya sempat kebal sama penyakit ini. Hampir satu kantor kena sakit mata dan alhamdulillah saat itu saya tidak tersentuh.
Sekarang, mata saya udah ga enak, sering keluar air mata walaupun ngga lagi nangis.. dan mata kayak ada kabutnya.
Aduh, bener-bener males deh saya sama penyakit yang satu itu. Diobatin sakit, ga diobatin bikin merana, kepala pusing, mata pegel, badan bisa ikutan meriang.. penyakit yang paling tidak menyenangkan lah kalau menurut saya. Lebih baik (maap) beol-beol deh daripada sakit mata..

Gimana ni? males bener deh!

About me

  • I'm Annisa M. Zakir
  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
  • I'm Cicha, a married woman who's just a person like all of you, but a simple one.. A person who'is currently enjoying her life and slowly finding the word living and family life means. Who haven't satisfied enough for what she had achieved right now. So, she's only human.. who never get enough of everything.. (Didn't we all??) Personally, I'm a person who respects people in many ways..I 'see' others as who they really are!! :) I'm incredibly sensitive in certain ways, can be silly sometimes, perfectionist minded & a total empathizer! DVD-MOVIE FREAK..and music maniac!
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