A journal & some non-philosophical thoughts of a simply imperfect human..

Goodbye 2005.. and WELCOME 2006!!

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2005.. Perasaan kamu baru aja dateng, sekarang udah mau pergi lagi..
2005.. Banyak hal yang aku lewati dengan kamu.. Banyak hal bermula dari kamu..
2005.. Kamu mendewasakan aku..terima kasihku padamu..
2005.. Kesan yang kamu tinggalin kali ini dalem.. menenggelamkan aku..
2005.. I'll miss you, because you left me in such Joyful and cheerful moments.. I'll remember you always..

2006.. Selamat datang yah..
2006.. Biasanya kalau ditanya, kapan mau married? Aku sering jawab "Insya Allah tahun depan".. sekarang, kata-kata itu rasanya udah ga berlaku..
2006.. jangan bosan iringi aku dengan segala kesibukan dan kehidupan baruku..
2006.. Jangan pelit-pelit hujanin aku dengan limpahan kebahagiaan dan keceriaan..
2006.. Restui aku dengan segala rencanaku.. jangan berpaling dariku
2006.. Misteri yang ada di depan mata.. welcome.. PRET PREEEEEEEEEETTT (ceritanya niup terompet) *apaan sih?*

About me

  • I'm Annisa M. Zakir
  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
  • I'm Cicha, a married woman who's just a person like all of you, but a simple one.. A person who'is currently enjoying her life and slowly finding the word living and family life means. Who haven't satisfied enough for what she had achieved right now. So, she's only human.. who never get enough of everything.. (Didn't we all??) Personally, I'm a person who respects people in many ways..I 'see' others as who they really are!! :) I'm incredibly sensitive in certain ways, can be silly sometimes, perfectionist minded & a total empathizer! DVD-MOVIE FREAK..and music maniac!
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