A journal & some non-philosophical thoughts of a simply imperfect human..

Team PC Media photos..

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Seiring tahun yang baru, hal baru juga terjadi.. as you know I'm resigning from PC Media. Dan buat mengenang.. I'll post some of my pictures during my time there..

Meja gw di hari terakhir.
Huehuehue.. berantakan banget yak.. hihi.. Beginilah kerjaan gw, kesana kemari ngurusin ini itu.. karena terlalu detil n banyak, jadinya jarang banget ngeliat meja ini dalam keadaan rapih :) hehe.. yang penting kerjaan beres semua.. ^_^V

Ki-ka : Lely, Me (yg lagi di'permainkan' seperti biasa..hehe), Renny (dibelakang), Ria & Fanny.
Taken waktu gw ulang taun di kantor.. berdua sama si Aripin alias Arif Yuliardi.. Nasi kuningan kitaa..

Ki-ka : Wawa, Ipung, Arie, Pandi (nyempil), Yanuar, Supri (stengan badan & minus muka), Herman, Wiryadi (nyempil juga), Alex, Wandi (bpk ini juga udah resign), Aku, Renny, Fanny, Ria, Dhanny, Imam, Denchu alias Denie
Taken while kantor lagi mati lampu.. langsung deh naek keatas buat poto2..

Atas-bawah (ki-ka) : Me-Renny, Ria, Lely, Wiro aka wiryadi
Waktu PC Media lagi ultah..

Atas (ki-ka) : Iman, Rian (si anti poto disini ikutan juga), Rien (istri Iman), Pak Security (punten, aku ga tau namanya), ME, Diana, Ria (dibawahnya ada Aufa, anaknya), Pak Thomas, Pak Setyo, Anton R. Pardede (ini pemrednya PC Media), Imam (nyempil), Fanny, Pandi, Renny, Denchu, Afrian, Herman, Alex
Bawah (ki-ka) : Rully, Ipung, Deddy, Wawa, Arie, eeh..ada Aufa nyempil), Dhanny, Adith, Supri, Yanuar, Wiryadi.
Taken while outing.. PC Media, PC Mild, InfoLinux Press Tour ke Taman safari.. 16 Desember 2005

hehe.. Till we meet again my friends..!! keep bein' my friends yaa.. (this means, kalu gw perlu apa2 bantuin gituuu..hehe)

2 Responses to “Team PC Media photos..”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    eheehh... great team

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    salam sahadja dari ik ka itoe kowe poenja kawan, noni fani itoe....

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  • I'm Annisa M. Zakir
  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
  • I'm Cicha, a married woman who's just a person like all of you, but a simple one.. A person who'is currently enjoying her life and slowly finding the word living and family life means. Who haven't satisfied enough for what she had achieved right now. So, she's only human.. who never get enough of everything.. (Didn't we all??) Personally, I'm a person who respects people in many ways..I 'see' others as who they really are!! :) I'm incredibly sensitive in certain ways, can be silly sometimes, perfectionist minded & a total empathizer! DVD-MOVIE FREAK..and music maniac!
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