A journal & some non-philosophical thoughts of a simply imperfect human..

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Rasanya lega banget, semua penantian gw udah kejawab..
Rasanya seneng campur bertanya-tanya gimana nanti kedepannya..
Akhirnya kejawab juga, pertanyaan yang selama ini gw lontarkan dalam hati..

Cuma itu yang gw pengen tau, jadi gw tau harus gimana.
Gw berdoa supaya ini pilihan yang terbaik buat gw..
Gw berharap semoga kedepannya semua bisa berjalan lancar..

Semoga jawaban ini adalah jalan yang terbaik..
Semoga semua bisa berjalan sesuai dengan hati dan keinginan..
Semoga.. semoga.. semoga..

About me

  • I'm Annisa M. Zakir
  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
  • I'm Cicha, a married woman who's just a person like all of you, but a simple one.. A person who'is currently enjoying her life and slowly finding the word living and family life means. Who haven't satisfied enough for what she had achieved right now. So, she's only human.. who never get enough of everything.. (Didn't we all??) Personally, I'm a person who respects people in many ways..I 'see' others as who they really are!! :) I'm incredibly sensitive in certain ways, can be silly sometimes, perfectionist minded & a total empathizer! DVD-MOVIE FREAK..and music maniac!
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